This page contains information on the membership of the Finnish Medical Association (FMA) joining and membership fees.
Being a member in the Finnish Medical Association
The Finnish Medical Association promotes your interests and accompanies you during your studies and career.
As a member you are entitled to a broad range of valuable member benefits. Using the online member services require Fimnet accreditation.
Join the FMA
You can join the FMA when you have obtained the licence to practice medicine in Finland from Valvira.
You need to have
- completed a degree in medicine which allows you to practice medicine in Finland either independently or under limitation.
- completed the 4th year of your medical degree.
- graduated abroad and have the licence to practice medicine in Finland either independently or under limitation.
Membership fees and reduced membership fees
You can pay the annual membership fee, 484 €, in one or two installments (February and April). Male sure to use the reference number in all installments. The membership fee is personal and deductible in personal taxation.
The FMA forwards to the tax authorities records of all membership fees payed in during the year. The tax deduction covers roughly one half of the fee.
You can apply for a membership fee reduction if you are unemployed, on sick leave, on family leave, abroad or retired.
If you are a student member, have graduated within the year or are 85 years of age or older, your membership fee is reduced automatically.
Please contact the membership services for more information.
Keep your info up to date
You can access and update your membership information in the Tietoni-system. Keeping your info current is important so all important communications reach you.
Also, remember to join the unemployment fund LL-kassa in case of unemployment.

Student membership
You can apply for student membership at the end of the 4th year of your medical degree. The membership is free during your studies and on the year of your graduation.
As a medical student you can access a number of services and benefits:
- Fimnet accreditation
- The Finnish Medical Journal (Lääkärilehti) and the medical student association’s newsletter
- Online course to support your wellbeing
- Students’ legal advice evenings
- Member+ benefits
Student membership entitles you to even more services and benefits:
- Your official medical student stamp
- Legal advice
- Shop stewards’ services and help
- The Kollega service for consulting